In 1916 he realized something
we seem to have forgotten today.
Gettin' to the moon
is going to be all about weight.
Look at the size of this thing.
It's gotta be 60-70 feet tall.
A couple of hundred tons at least.
Do you really need to take all that
to the surface? No.
Kondratyuk wondered...
What I wonder is...
what if you took along
a smaller vehicle...
that you just used to land?
like this.
But you could never reenter
the Earth's atmosphere in that.
I know. You come back
on the spacecraft you took from Earth.
But that means you'd have to have
a rendezvous in lunar orbit.
Von Braun calls his method
Earth Orbit Rendezvous.
I call this Lunar Orbit Rendezvous.
Tom, we don't even know if
rendezvous is possible in Earth orbit.
And you wanna do it around the moon?
Wouldn't that be kind of dangerous?
I don't know.
Would it?
Well, Mr. Dolan, this is certainly
a very interesting idea.
Why don't you let us think about it.
I've prepared a report.
I have everything I need right here.
Thank you for your time.
Chances are, Lunar Orbit Rendezvous
would have ended up...
as nothing more than a footnote
in the history of space exploration...
if a report on the idea hadn't landed
on the desk of a NASA engineer...
by the name of John Houbolt.
When he first started reading
the report...
Houbolt had the same reaction
others did:
Lunar Orbit Rendezvous seemed like
just another farfetched scheme.
But the more he read,
the more the idea made sense.
By the time John Houbolt
finished the report...
he knew this was it.
This was how you get to the moon.
Now, over the past few weeks
I've prepared this report...
on Lunar Orbit Rendezvous.