Well, John.
I can certainly see it now.
Beautiful. I gotta call Joe Gavin
about the budget.
One more thing: Thermal shields.
Costing us way too much weight
in the descent stage.
You know, I don't think we need shields.
Right, Frank. It's gonna be 250 degrees
in the sunlight...
and minus 250 in the shade...
but we don't need thermal shields.
Sarcasm's really helpful, Jim.
I just mean...
maybe we can use something other than
the shielding that's been used before.
It'll look kind of like that.
Mylar film between layers of kapton...
with an outer layer of nickel foil.
How thin is the mylar?
- 1/8,000 of an inch.
- Oh, well.
As long as it's good and sturdy.
We'll use a couple dozen layers
all around.
More where we need it...
by the thrusters.
It'll do the job.
Okay, well, we'll see
how it goes in testing.
Now, hatches.
As it stands,
we have two docking hatches.
We can't afford the weight.
I've been on the phone
with Owen at NASA...
and John Healey at North American,
and we all agree.
We're gonna go with just
the one docking hatch up top...
and use a forward hatch for egress.
That means when they return they'll
have to rendezvous and dock blind.
We're gonna put a window up top
so the pilot can look up as he docks.
Another window?
How much is that gonna weigh?
I don't know. It's gotta be less
than a second docking hatch, right?
That will require the astronaut
flying the LEM...
to make a 90-degree change in axis.
Left roll becomes left yaw.
- But left yaw becomes right roll...
- Arnold.