After the moonwalks, the descent stage
will serve as a launch platform...
for the ascent stage...
the cockpit of the LEM...
which the astronauts
will fly into lunar orbit...
for their rendezvous
with the command module.
Now, this particular ascent stage
belonged to LEM 3.
LEM 1 and 2 were designed and built
for unmanned test flights.
LEM 3 would be the first
to be flown in space by astronauts.
We worked hand in hand
with the astronauts...
from the beginning of LEM program.
They showed us
what we were doing right...
and what we were doing wrong.
From early on much of their attention
was given to LEM 3.
But it wasn't until
a day in November, 1966...
that NASA decided which crew
would be the one to actually fly her.
I just got off the phone
with Deke Slayton, gentlemen.
The crew assigned to take
the LEM 3 into space...
on the first manned flight
of a lunar module is as follows:
Commander Jim McDivitt...
a Gemini vet,
one of the best pilots in the program...
command module pilot Dave Scott...
another Gemini vet...
and flying right beside McDivitt
as his L.M. P...
Rusty Schweickart, a rookie.
any crew is a good crew.
But these guys...
Well, I think we're pretty fortunate...
because, gentlemen,
this won't be an easy mission.
We're off the lake, Jim.
Can we talk business now?
Well, if you insist.
I've been goin' over the mission plan...
and it looks a little rough.
- It is kind of ambitious, Jim.
- Heck, it's not ambitious.
It's impossible.
Look, everyone's focusing
on us flying the LEM.
It's only a small part of it.
Every mission's got a few things
that's never been done before.
This one's got about ten:
First manned launch of a LEM,
first docking extraction of a LEM...
first men in a LEM in space.
And we just go out
and fly the LEM, right?
Before we can even undock the LEM
from the command module...