We would lose the helium
on the descent stage.
Now, they would not be stranded.
They'd still have the ascent engine.
But it would kill the mission.
Tom, I'll need the official
Grumman position on this.
We're still within the limits.
It'll fly.
In the last few minutes before launch...
I managed to put the tank pressure
problem out of my mind for a moment.
I tried to imagine what it was like
in LEM 3 just then.
Astronauts have said that sitting in the
command module during a countdown...
can be almost peaceful.
Must have been even more peaceful
in LEM 3. At least until...
For the next ten minutes
it must have been...
like LEM 3 was stuck
in a paint mixer in a hardware store.
And when it must have seemed
the shaking would never stop, it did.
On the second day of the mission...
Rusty became the first person
to enter a LEM in space.