It's for their own good.
I understand the crew kept training in
the simulators up to the last minutes.
Armstrong and Aldrin
were in the simulator at the Cape...
right up till the day
before the launch.
How did they do?
Did they make a good landing?
they were absolutely perfect.
I appreciate your coming by.
Thanks for putting up with me.
Now, some time ago...
well before they entered the flight crew
health stabilization program...
prior to last Wednesday's launch...
I had the special opportunity...
well, honor, really...
to chat with Michael Collins, as well
as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong.
We're chatting with these three men
who need no introduction.
Starting with you,
Michael Collins.
While your crewmates walk around
in the Sea of Tranquility...
you'll be all alone...
the only member
of the human race...
completely cut off
from mother Earth.
Won't it get terribly lonely?
Well, Emmett, I'll be plenty busy with
some interesting mission objectives.
Of course I'll have
a great view to look at.
And I'm taking along
a few good books, just in case.
Okay. Okay.
Now, Mr. Neil Armstrong.
The moon.
A lot of cockamamie theories
about landing on it...
and how it would be
But the point is,
being the first to do it...
you don't know exactly
what's gonna happen.
I mean, how do you physically
train for such a thing?
One way is to climb into an aircraft
we call the flying bedstead.
The L.L.R.V.
The lunar landing research vehicle.
- Right.
- Essentially, a big jet engine...
turned on its end.
It's a tricky machine.
The demands it places
on a pilot...
are very similar to the demands
I'll be facing making the moon landing.