Have you given it any thought?
I wish it wasn't even an issue.
I'd rather be
on the second landing...
so we could just worry about the science
and not the eyes of history or whatever.
Have you thought about
asking for another mission?
Yeah. But you can't.
I go on 11,
or I don't go at all.
Do you want to get out first?
Well, it might as well be me.
Don't you think?
I do.
Walking on the moon
will be a tangible achievement...
but what it will represent is
where all of mankind is right now...
and what we can do
and where we can go...
if we put to use
the great gifts we've been given.
God love Neil.
He's a good man.
But I'm afraid he's so consumed
by the physical task of landing...
I don't know how much attention he's
prepared to give to the larger issue...
of what we're doing
and what it means to the world.
Some measure of attention should be paid
to the meaning of the task...
by whichever one of us
takes that first step.
Since the mission parameters
are still in the planning stage...
and the order of the crew egress
is yet to be determined...
I took the liberty
of calling George Low.
He's one of the administrators.
I told him that
for the good of the mission...
a decision should be made
as to which of us...
should get out first...
Neil or myself.
Hey, guys.
Buzz, I got a call
from George Low.
He told me you felt
a decision had to be made...