- I was waiting for your read.
- Don't forget the delay.
1.3 seconds can be a long time.
You might not want to wait for our read.
- Roger that.
- Anybody got anything else?
- Buzz, anything to add?
- Nope.
It's all been covered.
Okay, that's it, guys.
Thanks, Gene. See ya.
- Neil, are we finished?
- Yeah.
The loop was wide open.
Everyone was listening.
Here, Houston, Marshall, Washington.
They were all listening.
It was a disaster.
We should've aborted.
There was no reason not to.
Maybe he was waiting on Houston.
It wasn't a situation
we needed advice about.
We crashed it so hard
we broke the simulator.
- It's gonna go down as a crew failure.
- You fellas wanna keep it down?
We should've aborted.
I think I'm gonna call it a night.
Neil, we crashed.
Buzz, sims are for learning.
We had four successful aborts
before that one.
I wanted to see what would happen
if we waited for Houston.
If it was anyone's failure,
it was theirs, not ours.
If you're worried we'll catch some hell
for it, I'll tell everyone the score...
but I don't think there's any point
in rubbing Gene's nose in it.
He knows what happened.
Hey, you know, I've been
going through the mission plan.