They've given us lots of time after
we land to fix any problems we have...
but they've scheduled a four-hour
rest period before we do the E.V.A.
What do you say we move the rest period
till after the E.V.A.?
That way, if everything's shipshape
we'll get out there as soon as possible.
- Get some sleep, Buzz.
- Yeah.
Okay, let's shift gears here.
Michael, tell me about
your design for the patch.
You're the artist.
What does it mean?
I cheated a bit
by copying the eagle...
from a National Geographic.
- We're not gonna hold that against you.
- Thank you.
We all talked about it.
The eagle, it's obvious,
is the LEM.
It's also a symbol of America,
without being too overt.
It carries an olive branch to show
that we go to the moon in peace.
But your names aren't on it.
Why none of your names?
Because going to the moon...
is larger than us
as individuals.
The Earth represents,
well, everyone...
because the mission
is bigger than nations...
or politics.
What is significant...
is that...
for the first time
in the history of our civilization...
a man is going to set foot
on the moon.
Not that man's name.
The only English word is "Apollo."
That way the whole world can read it
and maybe claim it as their own.
Well, if that's the case, why don't we
just let history record the rest.
Good luck to you...
and Godspeed Apollo 11.
Thank you.
At this moment
the crew is preparing...
for the challenges
of the hours to come...
more than likely with the attitudes
of professional men anywhere...