Eagle, Houston.
Can we get a status
on your burn?
We're at good burn, Houston.
On time, no residuals.
Ten minutes to power descent.
Let's get their sun check,
then go around the horn.
Eagle, Houston.
We're ready for that sun check.
Roger, Houston.
Sun check to three marks.
Noun 20 minus noun 22.
Plus 0.19.
Plus 0.16.
Eagle, Houston.
We only copied three of the marks.
Please repeat the sun check.
Houston, Eagle.
How do you read now?
Eagle, we're getting oscillations
in your high gain. Over.
Say again, Houston.
We didn't copy.
Flight, TELMU.
We've lost MISFIN.
Proctor, we've lost MISFIN.
Flight, Guidance.
I've lost data.
We keep losin' 'em.
Clock's running, fellas.
I want a go/ no go for power descent.
Columbia, this is Houston.
We've lost all data with Eagle.
Please have them reacquire
on high gain. Over.
Eagle, this is Columbia.
Houston would like you
to reacquire on the high gain.
They've lost data with you.
Roger. We copy.
Houston, Eagle.
How do you read me now?
- You got us locked up, TELMU?
- We're real weak, Flight.
Are your systems go?
That's affirm, Flight.
- Guidance, you happy?
- Go, Flight.
- We're a little low, but no problem.
- Go, Flight.
- G.N.C.
- Go.
- We're go.
CAPCOM, we are go
for power descent.
Eagle, Houston. If you read,
you are go for power descent.
Roger. Understand.
Stabilization and control
circuit breakers...
deca gimbal A.C. Closed.
- Command override off.
- Command override is off.
- Gimbal enable.
- Gimbal enable.