Al Bean,
you are going to the moon.
Y'all can come along
if you like.
13, 12, 11...
ten, nine...
We have ignition sequence start.
The engines are on.
Four, three...
two, one, zero.
The first few moments after liftoff,
you're vibrating pretty good.
- The clock is running.
- Then you really start to move.
- Clear the tower.
- Roger. Clear the tower.
I got a pitch-and-roll program,
and this baby is really going.
Roll complete.
- Mark one bravo.
- Got you on that.
This thing moves, doesn't it?
We had just over half a minute
of trouble-free launch...
and then all hell busted loose.
- What the hell was that?
- I just lost a whole bunch of stuff.
We just had a whole bunch
of buses drop out.
What have we got here?
A/C bus 1 light, all the fuel cells.
Okay, Houston,
we just lost the platform, gang.
I don't know what happened.
We had everything drop out.
I got three fuel cell lights, an A/C bus
light, a fuel cell disconnect...
A/C bus overload 1 and 2,
main bus A and B out.
We had some big glitch here.
- I got A/C.
- You got A/C? Maybe it's the indicator.
- What's on the main bus?
- 24 volts. That's low.
We've got a short of some kind,
but I can't believe that's accurate.
- Flight, EECOM.
- Go, EECOM.
I think it's a fuel cell bus failure.
They've been thrown off-line somehow.
That must be why we're
getting garbage here.
Can they try SCE to aux?
Gerry Griffin had never heard
that command before.
Most of the people
in Mission Control hadn't.
Tell them.