From the Earth to the Moon

Apollo 12, Houston.
Try SCE to auxiliary.

FCE to auxiliary?
What the hell is that?

I'm not sure even Pete knew
what that was, but one person did.

I know what that is.
SCE to aux.
We're getting good telemetry again.
Try to reset your fuel cells.

- Reset fuel cells.
- Wait for staging.

Hang on.
Okay, Houston.
GDC is good.

We got a good S-2, gang.
We copy that, Pete.
You're looking good.

Poor Gerry Griffin.
We were his first mission
as flight director...

and he had dealt with more malfunctions
than anybody had ever seen.

Now we'll straighten out
our problems here.

I don't know what happened. I'm not sure
we didn't get hit by lightning.

That's exactly what had happened.
Before our first stage
had finished doing its job...

observers back on the ground
later reported...

that not just one...
but two bolts of lightning
rode our exhaust contrail...

all the way back down to the pad
and hit the tower.

That was a hell of a simulation.
I think we need a little more
all-weather testing, guys.

Al's got all the buses back on-line.
We'll square up our platform
when we get into orbit.

So I had done my part
to help out in a crisis.

Of course, we owe a lot
to that EECOM fella, John Aaron.

But to me,
the real hero was Pete Conrad.

He kept his hand on the abort handle
the entire time.

But he kept his cool
and he never used it.

Once I got into Earth's orbit...
I found space flight was everything
it was supposed to be.
