From the Earth to the Moon

Every time I close my eyes,
all I see are those damn lights.

- What a way to start.
- Terrible way to break in Al Bean.

That's okay.
I don't mind.

Not everybody was thinking about how
Al Bean was enjoying the mission.

In Houston, unbeknownst to us,
there was serious concern...

that the lightning had damaged
our pyrotechnic system...

that would deploy our parachutes.
If we run the TEl checklist...
we test everything
they need to get home...

except one big item:
Deployment of the chutes.

Yeah, but if the barometric switches
and timers have failed...

the crew
can deploy the chutes manually.

But if the pyros
had already been fired...

Once they're gone, pushing the deploy
button won't do anything at all.

- Is there any way to check the pyros?
- Only visual inspection, from outside.

All right,
I'll let you know.

They finally decided
that if it had...

we'd be just as dead splashing down now
as ten days from now.

So they might as well
send us to the moon.

Ah, honey, honey
You are my candy, girl
And you got me wanting you
Come on now!

- Honey?
- Yeah.

Oh, sugar, sugar
Damn it!
I wish I could shit.

I don't have the slightest inclination,
but I know what will happen.

It's gonna be the first shit
on the lunar surface.

- Okay, Al, your turn.
- Excuse me?

I don't want to take
any time out on the moon.

Go down there
and try to make a poop.

Why are you laughing?
You're next.

I didn't know that as commander
you had that kind of authority.

He thinks he can control
our bowel movements.

On family trips, didn't your mother
make you go before you left?

This is the longest damn vacation
you boys have ever been on...
