I just hope
I didn't disappoint anyone.
What the fuck happened up there?
Forget it. Let's go.
What happened was
I had screwed up.
No one would ever get to see
any more of us walking on the moon.
Not even Dick, who was stuck in orbit
while we explored the surface.
I felt bad about that...
but flying solo in Yankee Clipper
was considered more important...
than being the commander's sidekick
on the moon.
Got it. Lock inner mast.
Lock outer mast.
Extend locked legs.
We've done that.
I clearly remember the last moments
we spent before we separated.
We could have never gotten down there or
home again if it weren't for that man.
In all the time
we trained together...
Dick Gordon never once showed resentment
when people would introduce me...
as "the guy who was going
to the moon with Pete Conrad."
Never a trace of sarcasm.
Never an ironic remark.
He was in line
for a command of his own.
He was holding out
to walk on the moon on Apollo 18.
there never was an Apollo 18...
so this was as close
as he ever got.
I guess we gotta close her up now.
I wish this son of a bitch
fit three people.
At that moment,
with all the challenges ahead of us...
all I could think was one thought:
Sure hope I see you again.
Of course,
I never said it out loud.