From the Earth to the Moon

But it wasn't until Dick
made a flyover pass...

that we found out how good a job
Pete had done bringing us down.

Houston, I have Snowman.
I believe I have the LEM
on the northwest corner of...

I have Intrepid.
He's the only thing
that casts a shadow down there.

He's on the Surveyor crater...
about a third of the way
on the Surveyor crater...

to the head of the snowman.
And I have Surveyor.
Roger, Clipper.
Good eyeball. Well done.

Ed, it's almost as good
as being there.

Pete had done it.
With the help of the targeting people
on the ground...

he had proven that pinpoint accuracy
was possible when landing on the moon.

He had set down our lunar module
a stone's throw away...

from our primary mission objective...
A short moon walk
of about 200 yards...

just like he said he would.
Not long after that...
sometime very early in the morning
back in Houston...

Pete Conrad proved something else.
He proved to me and the world
just how eloquent a man he can be.

Charles "Pete" Conrad, Jr.
Only the third human being
to set foot on the moon.

Who can forget Neil Armstrong's
immortal words.

Let's watch and listen to the words
Conrad has chosen...

to mark this moment in history.
That may have been a small one for Neil,
but it's a long one for me.

There you have it.
After training with him for months,
we'd all become accustomed...

to Pete's colorful use of language.
You stupid...
This thing's about to piss me off.
I finally get the cocksucker turning,
then it locks up again.
