I'm spending more time trying to turn
these frigging bolts...
than any goddamn else thing.
Goddamn. Son of a...
Cocksucker. Goddamn it.
Turn around
and give me a big smile.
I had a special moment for myself
to mark my getting to the moon.
When you are selected to become
a member of the astronaut corps...
you wear a special silver pin.
It gets replaced by a gold pin
when you actually fly a mission.
I had worn my silver pin
for six years.
Being selected for Apollo 12,
I wouldn't be needing it anymore.
I wanted to put it in a special place
where it would rest forever.
What better place
than in the Ocean of Storms.
I joined NASA in the third group
of 14 astronauts in 1963.
So did Dick Gordon
who flew with Pete in Gemini 11.
While he and the rest of the group
were jockeying for seats...
on lunar landing flights...
I was assigned
to the Apollo Applications Program...
the space station which came
to be known as Skylab.
Pete called it "Tomorrowland."
Planning things
so far in the future...
who knew if they'd ever
become a reality or not.
While I was tucked away
in some far-off corner...
it seemed everyone else
was assigned mission after mission.
I sort of felt
like the forgotten man.
But I kept an eye
on what my peers were doing...
all the guys I used to commiserate with
about not getting to fly.
Walt Cunningham made the crew
of Apollo 7.
Bill Anders, Apollo 8.
Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9.
That left just me.
But there were others from our group
that were not so fortunate.
Ted Freeman was flying his T-38
at a couple hundred miles per hour...
when a goose smashed in
the Plexiglas of his cockpit.
He was killed.
Charlie Basset died along with
Elliot See...
when Elliot crashed into a building
at the McDonnell plant in St. Louis.