We're picking up your heavy footsteps
going by the seismometer.
- It's great.
- Our bosses couldn't see us...
but now they knew
how fast we were working.
Man, are you dirty.
This is dirt dirt.
Remember how they took care
of these experiments?
In training you needed gloves
to touch them.
Tell them it's important
to keep the experiments free of dust.
Dr. Wilson asks you guys
not to forget...
to keep the connectors
and experiments free of dust.
Dirt or no dirt,
everything worked fine.
While we were laughing
and chatting away...
poor Dick was trying
to get work done.
Okay, Clipper. You did not copy
all of that PAD. Is that affirm?
Ed, if you want to talk to me,
you'll have to take it off relay...
so Pete and Al won't cut you out.
It's impossible to hear anything
with those guys yakking.
There were so many things for us
to remember to do on the moon...
that we needed some kind of cheat sheet
that would always be within reach.
Both of us had drafted
a checklist to wear on our sleeves...
but the actual flight item was made up
by the ground crew just before launch...
and put in our suits
without our even seeing them...
until we were on the moon.
Thanks to Dave Scott
and the rest of our backup crew...
we had a little extra
reading to do.
Look at your checklist.
That's the terrain for me!
With a 30-minute extension
to our EVA...
I was able to get the core sample tube
in and out of the ground.
Pete and I got up
our first load of moon rocks.
We dusted each other off,
then I started back up the ladder.
Just like that, the first of my two
four-hour moon walks was over.