HRB forward, check.
All right.
We're just waiting for the DSKY.
I feel sort of like that song:
Is That All There Is?
I was just thinking
the exact same thing.
Not that it wasn't amazing.
Just that the whole experience
didn't feel like a headline.
It was real,
and I had lived it.
Falling through the sky
after a trip to the moon...
is no more surreal an experience
than getting there in the first place...
or walking on its surface.
It's just one more step,
one more planned event...
that comes about because of science
and imagination and effort.
You can go through all the manuals...
all the procedures
and checklists...
all the graphs and blueprints that show
how it's possible to do what we did...
to go where we had gone.
You might be impressed that such
a complicated thing was even attempted.
So impressed even that you...
wouldn't realize that the three people
who made the journey...
and undertook all the challenges
contained within it...
were, in essence...
not that much different
from yourself.
- Damn, that shower feels good.
- When it doesn't feel that good...
you'll know you're officially home
from the moon.
They should let us out of here.
I don't have any diseases.
Me neither. I just want to grab me
some cajun food and a couple of beers.
How about you, Al?
You back from the moon yet?
Yeah, I'm back.
I'm back from the moon.