From the Earth to the Moon

Yeah, we got space.
As a matter of fact,
we've got a whole lot of space.

Yeah. That's why we call it
the Space Center.

Dave, who delivers good take-out?
Okay, Houston,
I believe we have a problem here.

This is Houston.
Say again, please.

Houston, we've had a problem.
We've had a main B bus undervolt.
Okay, 13.
Main B undervolt.

All right, Houston. We had a pretty
large bang with caution and warnings.

- What does that mean, a "bang"?
- I don't know. Some kind of jolt.

- They had a main B bus undervolt.
- You're kidding.

- They're losing power?
- I don't know.

- Could it be an instrumentation problem?
- I think it's more serious.

- Lovell said they're venting something.
- What the hell could they be venting?

They could be running out
of oxygen and electricity.

- It could have been a meteorite.
- It could have been a reindeer.

- You'll have to improvise.
- Why?

- I just got McAfee out of bed.
- Emmett, you're on in 90.

I need handbooks for the
command, service, lunar modules.

They're not having problems
with the LEM.

They'll have to go somewhere
if Odyssey keeps losing oxygen.

- Yeah, but...
- Mr. Seaborn.

You know Warren Moburg,
new vice president of the news division.

I've been a great fan of yours
ever since radio.

They're powering down Odyssey
and moving to the LEM.

- Get me mission rules.
- We're on it.

Julie, check the wire. Even a blind
squirrel finds a nut now and then.

You're busy, but let me introduce you to
Brett Hutchins from the Chicago bureau.

It's an honor, sir.
I'm here to do a piece on the Astros,
the baseball team.

He's not just a sports reporter.
Give this boy any kind of story...

Excuse me.
Glad to see you're working
the upper management.

A mole at CBS says they've got something
about trajectory and spin.

- What about trajectory and spin?
- I don't know.

- Transcripts.
- One minute.

- Somebody better have notes.
- I did them.

- We don't have it, son.
- CBS is saying a possible meteorite.

- It wasn't a meteorite.
- How do you know?

Larry, there are
48,700 electrical connections...

in the command module alone.
- Forty.
- The chances of one of them fritzing...

are a lot better
than being hit by a meteorite.

Here it is,
but it's totally routine.

They asked them to roll right
at 0-6-0 and null...
