Emmett, it looks good from here.
What do you think?
I think it's the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen.
Houston, this is Odyssey.
We're in stable one,
the ship is secure...
and our buoyancy's holding.
What did we learn?
Perhaps the limits of technology...
at least when it comes
to protecting us from our own hubris.
But those are issues
for another day.
What matters now is that
three great men...
are safely aboard
the USS lwo Jima...
and steaming for home.
In Houston,
this is Emmett Seaborn.
- Thank you, Emmett.
- We're clear.
I'm getting too old for this.
- Good job.
- Thanks.
That was a hell of a job.
Could we talk...
I've been promised the first
post-mission interview with Gene Kranz.