It's the same dull world
Wherever you go
Whatever place you are at
The Earth is round
But everything on it is flat
Don't tell me
Venice has no lure
Just a town without a sewer
The Leaning Tower I adore
Indecision is a bore
But think of the thrill
Of a bullfight in Seville
When the bull is uncontrolled
And he charges at the bold matador!
It's a bore!
Think of lunch beneath the trees
Stop the carriage, if you please
You mean you don't want to come?
The thought of lunch leaves me numb
But I implore
Oh, no, Uncle.
It's a bore!
Goodbye, Honoré.
Come in.
- Mamita.
- Gaston!
What a wonderful surprise.
How do you feel today, dear Mamita?
Fine, Gaston.
And the better for seeing you.
You've gotten a trifle thinner,
and it's most becoming.
- You think so?
- Oh, yes.
Come and sit down.
In your chair.
Thank you.
What beautiful material.
Very chic!
Just the sort of thing
Honoré used to wear.
A bit more conservative, perhaps.
Would you like a sweet?
No, thank you. But I would love a cup
of your chamomile tea.
But of course.
More than just one, I hope.
Do you have a telephone yet, Mamita?
No, not yet.
Not until Gigi is old enough
to have secrets and admirers.
But there's one upstairs
if it's important.
It's not important.