...contain that miracle
of elusive blue.
- Who gave it to you, Aunt?
- A king.
- A great king?
- No, a little one.
Great kings do not
give very large stones.
Why not?
In my opinion, it's because
they don't feel they have to.
Who does give the valuable jewels?
Oh, the shy, the proud.
And the social climbers.
They think it's a sign of culture.
But it doesn't matter
who gives them...
...as long as you never
wear anything second-rate.
Wait for the first-class jewels, Gigi.
Hold on to your ideals.
Come over here to the light, Gigi.
Open your mouth.
With teeth like that...
...I could have devoured
all Paris and most of Europe.
But I can't complain.
I had a good bite of it.
Tell your grandmama
to get you some astringent lotion.
You don't use face powder, do you?
- Grandmama won't let me.
- I should hope not.
You have an impossible nose,
a nondescript mouth.
Your cheekbones are too high.
But we can do something
with the rest of you.
Your teeth, your eyes...
...your eyelashes, your hair.
We can...
...and we will.
You must learn to choose cigars.
Aunt, but I don't smoke cigars.
Of course you don't smoke cigars.
But a man does.
Everything I teach you...
...has a good reason.
Love, my dear Gigi...
...is a thing of beauty,
like a work of art.
And like a work of art,
it is created by artists.
The greater the artist,
the greater the art.
And what makes an artist?
Cigars and jewelry?
You are from another planet.