She's the sister
of the heavenly creature...
...I gave a party for last night.
What a marvelous place Maxim's is!
Not only gay and beautiful,
but in one thing unique:
In Maxim's, everybody minds
his own business.
No one is the slightest bit interested
in whom one is with.
There's that wretched man
Louis de Latour
With his latest horrible amour
Isn't she a mess
Isn't she a sight
Let's invite them out tomorrow night
Honoré Lachaille
Honoré Lachaille
With another twinkle in his eye
Isn't it a shame
Isn't it a crime
Seeing him so happy all the time
There's Gaston Lachaille
With his little friend
Is that passion never going to end
Did you see her ring?
Not a bagatelle
Dear Liane is doing very well