- The children have enough toys.
- I bought this one for me.
Alice didn't bother to have the car insured
before that terrible accident.
She was as haphazard about that
as she was about choosing
her husband.
Don't worry. I will take on
the additional financial burden.
If you don't mind, I prefer to worry.
As long as you're in my house,
you're going to have some manners.
- Hello, Robert, old man.
- I'm not an old man.
He's getting there.
Thas a darling thing.
Is that how it works?
You're from another planet.
Thank you.
I think thas a compliment.
I was just about to do that.
All you had to do was pull the switch...
The children seem to be happy
with our side of the family.
The divorce wasn't final,
but we're both lawyers
and there shouldn't be any difficulty
making the custody permanent.
- Carolyn, where is your husband?
- John is out, Father.
When is he ever in? Both of my daughters
made the wisest choices.
Tom, Mother and I will take Elizabeth
to live with us.
And Carolyn and her husband
will take the boys.
It will be wonderful for the boys.
I'll move the guesthouse
and put in a swimming-pool.
They have been helping plan it.
- Is that OK with you?
- Sure. Is a real blast here.
We've got a tennis court, horses,
the river, everything.
I'll be living right down the road.
I can come over any time.
- How about you?
- I don't care where I live.
Well, it happens that I care. I don't want
my kids parcelled out like cabbages.
They don't parcel out cabbages,
they are sold in carload lots.
Since when are you interested
in your children?
How long were you and Alice separated?
Three years? Four?
When did you see your children?
Occasionally on a weekend?
You know my job with the government...
Your job is more important
than your children?