I blow the horn...
She turns on the tap,
right away, running water.
She's a little hard-of-hearing.
We can stay at Aunt Carolyn's tonight
and go back to the city tomorrow.
I have sublet the apartment.
I doubt if there's another vacant apartment
in the whole of Washington DC.
Then we'll just stay
at Aunt Carolyn's forever.
How about it?
Angelo, we are going to stay here
for the night.
It can be fixed up.
Is a wonderful place for kids.
And not so bad for spiders.
I'll go fix the gangplank
and bring your stuff in.
Keep your motor running,
I'll be around.
- What does he mean?
- Les get off this junk heap.
After Cinzia does a little cleaning
and polishing
it might be quite comfortable.
Who, I?
It will take years.
- I bet the roof leaks.
- Les make the best of things.
Les play a game
while we wait for Angelo.
- I don't know any game.
- We used to play a game.
'"Who sir, me sir? '"
Sure you remember that.
- What was I?
- You were Red cap.
He was Black cap.
You were Gold cap. Les play.
- Black cap!
- Who sir, me sir?
- Who then sir, say Boxer.
- Boxer.
Who sir, me sir?
Thank you, Mrs McGillicuddy.