- Why didn't you tell me that?
- You never asked.
- You can scramble an egg, can't you?
- Yes.
What do you mean, '"scramble'"?
Just take the kids down to the village
for their breakfast.
I'll have just some coffee.
You can make coffee, I hope?
Not American coffee.
Do you have an espresso-maker?
Never mind.
I can do without food
and I can do without coffee.
- You eat too much anyway.
- Thank you.
Go back to sleep.
- Daddy, wait!
- What?
- I've made American coffee.
- I read her the label.
- What?
- I read her the label.
I don't see how you could.
Is still here in the coffee.
You don't like it?
She burned her hand twice.
- Is wonderful.
- Then why don't you drink it?
You don't want
to hurt her feelings, do you?
- Good, isn't it?
- Holy...
I don't see how you Americans
can stomach this.
We're a young country.
I doubt if we'll grow much older.
- Goodbye.
- Bye, Daddy.
What brought that on?
- What?
- You kissing me goodbye?
- Don't I always?
- How foolish of me not to have noticed.
Take it easy.
Pretty good repair-job on the car.
Listen to that motor.
Did you make up your mind
about the boat?
Do you want to rent, buy, make a deal?
Is a leaky,
broken-down derelict,
that will probably sink
and dump us all in the river.
But I wouldn't think of living
in any other place.
I'll make a deal.
Can you select a melon for me?