In the role of
Ivan the Terrible
Nikolai Cherkasov
The Oprichniki:
Malyuta Skuratov:
Mikhail Zharov
Alexei Basmanov:
Amvrosy Buchma
His son, Fyodor Basmanov:
Mikhail Kuznetsov
Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow
and of all the Russias
Andrei Abrikosov
Pimen, the Archbishop of Novgorod
Alexander Mgebrov
Pyotr Volynets:
Vladimir Balashov
Efrosinia Staritskaya,
the Tsar's aunt
Serafima Birman
Her son, Vladimir Staritsky:
Pavel Kadochnikov
Prince Andrei Mikhailovich
Kurbsky: Mikhail Nazvanov
Sigismund, King of Poland:
Pavel Massalsky
lt is the year fifteen hundred
and sixty-four
the year in which the Tsar
formed his special bodyguard
the Oprichniki
The year in which Tsar lvan
withdrew to Alexandrov
The year in which the people
organized a procession
to beg the Tsar to return
The year in which Prince Kurbsky
committed the base treachery
of surrendering
the Russian armies to the Poles
and transferred his allegiance
to King Sigismund