Ivan Groznyy II: Boyarsky zagovor

Why give the bishop
such power over you?

Why let yourself be humiliated
by an ignorant priest?

None of your business, dog!
I know I am a dog...
But a faithful dog

You are wrong, Tsar,
to prefer a priest to a dog

I know, you want friendship
You languish without friendship
For friendship you are ready
to bow at his feet

Do you not see that Philip
has only one idea:

to conceal your enemies
under his own skirts?

A friend, eh?
He's hardly worth more than

You dare pronounce that name
I know you love Kurbsky!

It's not his treachery which
wounds you

It's the loss of a friend!
You don't sleep at night!
Hold your tongue, dog!
You don't show any gratitude
or affection

to those who are loyal to you,
who'd give their lives for you,
who carry the weight of your
power on their strong shoulders

My power is carried by
the shoulders of the people

and their will is my strength
I hear the voice of God
through them

and I carry out His holy designs
Tsar, I beg you, don't let the
priest do as he pleases.

Don't trust anyone.
You hold the power. Use it!

I understand. You've given
your word to the priest

You've made him promises
You can't go back on your word
I understand
So we must see that the Tsar's
word is respected
