Why do you torment us
with fire?
Why do you burn us?
And now, bear witness
to a miracle
The terrestrial lord will
be humbled
by the Lord of Hosts
The Tsar of all the Russias
begs your blessing
I do not recognize the Orthodox
Tsar in his pagan actions!
In what way, monk, do my actions
concern you?
Your actions are those of
a bloodthirsty beast!
Silence, Philip. If you question
my sovereignty
you will incur my anger!
Now bear witness to a miracle
The terrestrial lord will
be humbled
by the Lord of Hosts
Ivan, like Nebuchadnessar,
you cast
those who are close to you
into the fire
But the avenging angel will
descend from heaven
and free them from their prison
Silence, Philip!
Submit to the authority of
the Church, Ivan!