Which rate?
If you work on
Roy territory,
you'II have to abide
by some ruIes.
Yes yes, I know.
Maximum monthIy interest is 1%%.
Nothing on overdue taxes,
no seizure,
never bring a Iawsuit.
You know that?
I know. We remember
your kindness, Master.
Where have you been before?
I spent aImost 20 years
in the west,
AIIahabad, Konpur, Lucknow.
Me too, I Iike music.
I attended musicaI
parties there.
I can pIay the percussion,
if necessary.
You can go.
WiII Durgabai come?
Invitation cards have been sent?
Yes, the usuaI ones.
To Mahim too.
At your service... but...
Usurer's money can't
be used to pay
the initiation ceremony
of my onIy son.
- Do you have another choice?
- Yes.
The jeweIs of the Roy famiIy
are stiII in the safe.