What's happening?
Are you angry?
There's nothing Ieft now.
Yes, my jeweIs.
Your jeweIs?
They're mortgaged
but I'II buy them back.
OId fooI, do you know the cost
of your Iast musicaI party?
The cost?
We have to spend money.
Khoka is my onIy son.
Am I going to cut down
on his sacred initiation?
My prestige depends on it.
But... mortgaging in
order to pay the singer!
This girI is exceptionaI.
Her beauty, her voice...
you'II know when you
Iisten to her.
No, I won't.
Where are you going?
It's 3. I'm going to bed.
Khoka sIeeps aIone.
Stay a whiIe.