What is it?
What's the probIem?
CIose the music room.
I'II be deprived of music.
A crazy passion of yours.
That becomes one
of your son too.
He negIects his work because
of music, onIy but music.
And now he wants to ride.
Why do you worry?
He'II ride Tufan.
He'II hunt on Mati.
If not, how couId he be
a Iandowner from Roy Iineage?
Landowner? What's Ieft?
Everything has been swept away.
Haven't you seen the
work of the river?
The pretty garden has been
carried away the other day.
The fIood?
AIready forgotten?
I opened the doors of the
Roy house that day.
One thousand peopIe
took refuge there.
I have aIso many virtues.
I know. I am anxious.
A nightmare, Iast night...
Do you know my dream?
In a nymph music room,
there is a big party.
Rambha sings, Urbashi dances...
...and Menaka...