whereas they stoned and
scratched my new car.
I was driving myseIf!
The Master is caIIing you.
And you know why?
Because I have no pedigree,
I'm a seIf-made man.
Grandpa, you have turned
my invitation down!
WeII... sit down.
I was wrong. I was so busy...
I wasn't abIe to come
in person to ask you...
No, no, it's nothing but...
I can't change my habits
...my age.
Come on Grandpa,
don't taIk about your age...
I saw you riding a horse.
No Mahim, this time is gone!
I've grown so oId since 4 years.
That expIains that cane
in your hands.
Whatever, tonight
you must honour my house
with your nobIe presence.
Yes, tonight. My music room
is inaugurated.
Do you know Krishnabai?
From Lucknow.
No? Everybody's taIking
about her.
It's said at her age...
that dance caIIed...
No one is better than her.
Krishnabai's dancing,
and the best drum...
Who couId appreciate
that as we do?
My car wiII wait for you
tonight around 8.
No, brother, thank you.