-Yeah, aItogether.
A hundred and eighty-eight, eighty-nine.
You famiIiar with the French Riviera?
OnIy what I've read
in the National Geographic.
I'm toId big hoteIs are fixed
so that you turn on a water faucet...
...and you get either cognac or champagne.
That probabIy isn't true,
but suppose you and your men go there...
...and make a 24-hour investigation.
Yes, sir.
An hour later we were halfway to Nice.
That's the kind of a war it was.
Some people call it
the Champagne Campaign.
Nobody who was there will ever forget
the way the Riviera was that season.
The Army had made it a rest area.
There'd never been one like it before
and never would be again.
They shipped in oranges from North Africa,
eggs from Sweden, steaks from Argentina.
The champagne and cognac
were already there.
So were some of the girls.
But others came by bus, by foot
and by plane.
There were all kinds of girls.
The hotels were luxurious, all right,
but it wasn't quite like the Colonel said.
You had to go all the way to the terrace
to get the cognac and the champagne.
You can forget how beautiful
a beautiful woman can be...
...but it doesn't take long
to refresh your memory.
I saw what they meant
by the French Riviera.