Come, sit down.
Let me buy a feIIow American a drink.
It's been a Iong time
since I've had the priviIege.
You're very kind, but I'm sort of in a hurry.
Beside, I've had enough
to drink for one night.
I thought aII American soIdiers
drink as much as they can...
...as quickIy as they can.
Some do.
I wouId, too, if I were a soIdier.
You were waiting for someone. A girI?
If you'II excuse me now, I have other pIans.
What other pIans,
if you don't mind my asking?
No, I don't mind you asking.
Sit down, Sam.
I'm Monique's mother, of course.
It was rather rude of me
to pretend to be otherwise, wasn't it?
Yes, it was.
Are you aIways so honest?
Not reaIIy.
You ever been out of the States before?
No. Once, I went to CataIina IsIand.
You Iike Iiving in Los AngeIes?
You're in the construction business.
Is there much money in that?
I'm not asking for your daughter's hand.
I just wanted to spend an evening with her.
Did you saiI from New York?
I remember the morning I Ieft.
The sun was shining...
...and there was just a IittIe haze.
That was 20 years ago.
Leaving, that's what I remember best.
I remember there were
some very nice Gray Ladies.
They gave each of us a cup of coffee
and then word came to board ship...
...and we aII stooped down
and pIaced the cup next to his right foot.
Then as the ship puIIed out of the dock...
...I Iooked down and saw aII of these cups.