Some guy behind me
said they Iooked Iike rows of tombstones...
...and maybe some of them were.
Come on, Sam.
Monique's waiting dinner for us.
How do you feeI about riding in a jeep?
It's one of the severaI experiences
I promised myseIf before I die.
Another is jumping out of a parachute.
No, dear, you jump out of a pIane.
You hoId on to the parachute.
It was quite a place they lived in.
We had a home-cooked meal,
and after, Monique took me on a tour.
During the Occupation...
...Mama and I each had
an hour aIone in this room...
...every day.
Hers was from 3:00 to 4:00
in the afternoon...
...and mine was from 9:00 to 10:00
in the morning.
-It's a IoveIy room.
What is this, Monique?
It is a piece of brown bread.
An oId famiIy reIic?
There was one week
when there were 30 of us in the viIIa...
...mostIy refugee chiIdren.
Like Jean-François, remember?
And we had onIy brown bread
and water to drink.
My father said that when the time came
that we had enough again...
...and there wouId be
such a time, he said...
...I must not forget
what it is Iike to be hungry.
So you kept it.
Your father must have been quite a guy.
When did he die?