About two years ago.
I miss him very much.
I'm sure you do.
I've got to run.
I've got to get back to the outfit.
I'm on the midnight shift.
Now that the Germans are gone,
I keep thinking that the war is over.
Is it bad?
It's been worse, but it's aIways bad
when somebody's shooting at you.
You be carefuI, now.
I am the most carefuI girI in these parts.
Return soon.
It has been most pIeasant.
It was wonderfuI.
In America, we have a custom
caIIed a good-night kiss.
It is the custom in many countries.
May I kiss you?
I shouId Iike you to.
Good night.
I had never seen the moon so bright.
Right then, I could've KO'd Joe Louis...
...hit a homer for the Giants
and climbed an Alp.
I lived for my passes.
We went on a picnic.
There was fried chicken, all right...
...and also paté de foie-gras sandwiches,
and a view.
I'd heard it's the most beautiful
in the world. I'll buy that.
We went pedal-pushing.
It's for kids, you know, like me.
I made a deal with the mess Sergeant.
For my liquor ration...
...he gave me a lot more food
than it was worth.
I did them in at poker...
...and Mrs. Blair murdered me at chess.