This picture was taken
a year before he died.
Fred was a poor boy from Georgia.
His mother took in washing...
...and he never knew his father.
But he ran errands, he swept fIoors...
...he dug ditches to get through
Hampton Institute...
...and at 35, he was president
of an insurance company in PhiIadeIphia.
I was a pubIic heaIth nurse
in West Virginia.
When I went back home to PhiIadeIphia...
...I met him for the first time
at a weIfare conference.
I feII in Iove with him...
...and married him.
I didn't care what coIor his skin was.
He was the finest...
...dearest man I've ever known in my Iife.
When the time came...
...I discovered I was going to have a chiId.
I cried that night.
I said to my husband:
''There are ways,'' I said.
For us, it hadn't mattered
what peopIe thought.
We waIked the streets of PhiIadeIphia,
proud, defiant...