'Evening, sir.
-Sit down.
-Am I interrupting something?
Writing a Ietter to my wife.
She was aIways in charge
of Saturday night.
Whatever she wanted to do,
you know, it was her night.
You know what we used to do?
HaIf the time, we'd stay home...
...barbecue a steak,
then pIay a coupIe of hands of bIackjack...
...go to bed earIy.
That's what we used to do.
Have some.
AngeI food cake, butterscotch frosting.
Best damn cake my wife ever baked.
The guys aII went off to town,
and I wasn't gonna go...
...but I changed my mind and I....
I was wondering whether I couId....
You can take my jeep.
I'm not going anypIace.
Thank you, sir.
You know the worst thing in the worId?