He's pretty good.
Monique BIair, this is Britt Harris.
-Mademoiselle, enchanté.
-You can speak EngIish, she's American.
I knew there was something in the wind.
I'd say, ''Where you headed?''
He'd say, ''I thought I'd expIore.''
Then he asked me to transIate
a coupIe of phrases in French...
...so I knew wherever he was expIoring
that the natives were friendIy.
Sit down. Bring your girIfriend over.
I don't think she's feeIing weII.
She's got a toothache.
You pIay beautifuIIy.
Thank you very much.
-Where'd you Iearn that sideIine?
-I've been pIaying most of my Iife.
The year I was supposedIy at
CorneII University...
...studying Business,
I spent most of my time on 52nd Street.
-Do you know the singing of Bessie Smith?
-I've got every record she ever made.
-I have onIy one.
-I'II see that you get some of mine.
Do you know the recordings
of Monsieur Jacques Frenet?
Sam, you're such a sIy one.
He's so soIid.
Big Time Operator. SoIid Sam.