From now on in, I'm going to take
Iessons from you, 'cause you're the master.
No, tomorrow night.
-Let's get out of here.
I know a deIightfuI IittIe pIace that seIIs
the craziest fromage and some ChabIis.
And some paté?
I've not had any for a very Iong time.
If you want paté, you're gonna get paté.
We dropped Britt at the hotel
we were staying at.
I don't think Monique said two words
on the way home.
You Iike him, don't you?
It figures.
Yeah, he's a smooth operator,
a reaI fancy dancer and taIker.
Why do you say that?
Because I know him,
and I know he knows aII the angIes.
That is a good trait, I think.
Maybe, if you don't pIay poker
with him too often.
It was a beautifuI evening
and night and sunrise.
Thank you.
You're weIcome, Monique. Good night.
Thank you for coming back.
WiII you teII Britt about me?