Les Mistons

Write! Go home before it rains!
You'll write?
We kept trying for our revenge
As our vacation neared the end
we resorted to a very shabby method
Their happiness gave us
an embarrassing idea

One of us bought a postcard
showing 2 scantily-dressed lovers
sprawled on a bed
What'll I say?
You held Bernadette naked!
We don't know
what you do at night but...

If Papa knew!
In memory
of our wild nights of rapture!

Gerard the big chicky
and his little woman!
Victoriously we signed it
with vengeance

"The Brats"
We sent it in an envelope
to Bernadette Jouve's address

At the end of vacation, Life gave
its cruelest reply to our letter,

leaving an abominable sadness
in our hearts

We learned Bernadette's fiance
had died that summer

in a mountain-climbing accident
At heart, we weren't mean,
but beset with a rage...
