That's some country
we'll be going through.
Nothing but a bunch of
rattlers and tarantulas.
Through that area where those
important outlaws used to ride.
Johnny Beggs,
Dock Tobin, and all those...
How you doing now?
Oh, I'm beginning to get the hang of it.
Yeah, I guess a man
can get used to anything.
I remember once...
- I didn't get your name.
- Jones.
You must be going to Fort Worth
on a big cattle deal, Mr Jones.
I think, from the way
you carry yourself,
you're a cattleman.
One of my many hobbies
is observing the people around me.
Keeping my eyes open
for their peculiarities, so that I can...
I'm on my way to Fort Worth
to hire a schoolteacher.
Is that so? Well, that's pretty interesting.
What would a gent like you
want with a schoolteacher?
We're starting a school in my town.
Oh. Well, good for you.
- What town is that?
- Good Hope.
Good... You know you have to pay her
a year in advance
- to get her to come this far west.
- That's right.
Well, I guess that takes a little money.
- We've raised it.
- And they picked you to choose her?
I guess that's quite an honour.
Don't say that.
You know, it's mighty interesting
that you should
bump into me on this train.
Tickets. Tickets, please.