Man of the West

This is East Fork.
East Fork wood stop.

All able-bodied men
are requested to pitch in

and give us a hand
loading wood for the engine.

The more help we have,
the quicker we can get started again.

The Fort Worth and Chihuahua
appreciates your help.

- You going out to help?
- That's right.

I don't mean to trouble you, Mr...
- Jones.
- Jones!

But there's somebody here
I think you ought to meet.

Miss Ellis...
Miss Ellis, I'd like to present Mr Jones.
- How do you do, Mr Jones?
- Hello, Miss Ellis.

The reason I wanted you to meet Miss Ellis
is a strange coincidence.
It's pretty unusual that
the three of us are on this train.

I even get a creepy feeling about it.
You ask me why? I'll tell you.
Miss Ellis - that is, Miss Billie Ellis,
