Man of the West

Who is it?
Oh, it's you. I thought it was...
I was running, and I fell down.
My heart feels as if
it's going to jump out of my chest.

What happened here?
Were they trying to...? Oh...
Hey, listen. I think this is busted.
- They were holding up the train?
- That's right.

How could they leave us like this?
We could starve.

Hey, Billie. You all right?
You hurt or anything?

- No.
- I hurt my ankle.

You wouldn't leave us out here alone,
would you, Mr Jones?

- Just asking.
- When is the next train?

Runs once a week.
Do you talk?
He just gave you the answer.
- You're hurt.
- It's nothing.

- Should have it tended to.
- No, I'm all right.

- Where's the nearest town?
- Maybe a hundred miles.

A hundred miles?
What are we going to do?

I guess we'll have to walk.
We'd better find shelter
or you two will freeze.

- I can't walk on this foot!
- Then I'll have to carry you.

I bet you're glad you've got company.
I wouldn't say that.
Oh, we'll be a comfort to you.
I'll sing Tenting Tonight a little off-key,
and Sam can teach you how to deal
off the bottom of the deck.

You'll be a richer and a happier man.
