- He qualified for command?
- Yes, sir.
- They'll send her out to 7.
- I suppose so.
Get the Chief of Staff on the phone.
Tell him I'm coming over.
(@ "Anchors Aweigh")
(PA) Executive Officer to duty section.
Now hear this.
The repair crew will take over at 1300.
Duty section will stand by
with the repair list.
You beach boys who'll be checking in
at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel...
...the hotel does not have a repair crew.
So have fun,
but keep the damage to a minimum.
Break it up, break it up!
Russo, Cullen, break it up! I...
For the next captain of the Nerka, sir.
What we mean to say, Mr Bledsoe...
(all) Good luck, sir.
- So this is the way we start! Bribery!
- Don't know what you mean, sir!
Next it'll be special privileges!
Sunbathing, two-hour watches.
A sunburned crew is a happy crew!
An old Navy axiom!
That you just made up!
Thanks a lot, men. Don't any of you
get the idea I can be had!
- It never entered our heads!
- I'll bet!
- Go on, try it on, sir!
- You'll look very sharp in that rig!
- See you a moment, Bledsoe?
- Yes, sir.
Uh, we were just leaving, Captain.
I said we were leaving!
It's... sort of a gift, sir. The men, they...
It's all right. Never mind.
- Any milk left in the galley?
- Yes, sir.
- Oh, it's powdered, sir.
- That'll do.