I can see them now.
Lead ship, possible Momo destroyer.
Trailing ship, a large tanker.
We'll wait until the destroyer passes,
then take on the tanker.
Shifting to TBT. Bearing coming down.
Bearing 0-2-0.
Set, sir.
Right full rudder,
come right to course 0-3-0.
Open outer doors on tubes 1 and 2.
- Open outer doors on tubes 1 and 2.
- Open outer doors on 1 and 2.
Angle on the bow now. Starboard 70.
Torpedo spread - one right, one left.
Solution checking. Everything's set, sir.
Destroyer's well clear now.
Tanker range 3-2-0-0.
- All ready to fire, sir.
- Very well. Stand by, tube 1.
- Stand by, tube 1.
- Stand by, tube 1.
- What's the torpedo run?
- 2500 yards, sir.
- Commence firing.
- Fire 1.
- Fire 1.
- Fire 1.
- 1 fired, sir.
- Stand by, 2.
- Spread set.
- Fire 2.
- Fire 2.
- Fire 2.
- 2 fired.
- No.1 running hot and straight, sir.