Take her down, sir?
Take her down to 100 feet.
100 feet. Aye aye, sir.
Five degrees down bubble.
Take her to 100 feet.
Secure from battle stations
when we level off.
- Come right to course 2-8-0.
- Right to course 2-8-0, sir.
Very well. Mr Cartwright,
take over the conn.
Yes, sir.
What's he doing? What's going on?
- Give me a line on course 2-8-0.
- Sir?
- A line on course 2-8-0 now!
- Aye aye, sir.
- What's the skipper up...
- Later, Beckman.
- Start levelling off.
- Aye aye, sir.
There it is. You might as well post it.
A whole area to patrol and you pick
the graveyard - the Bungo Straits!
It's the only place we can get the Akikaze.
The one spot you're ordered to avoid.
You make it sound like
a snap decision. It wasn't.
That's quite obvious. Passing
a Jap submarine to save your torpedoes.
Risking a bow shot. Ducking a convoy
so they can't radio our position.
You planned it, all right! You knew it
the day I came to your house!
I knew it before that, Jim. I knew it
a year ago when my boat went down.
We have explicit orders. We have a crew
that expects the captain to follow them!
You know that a captain
can redefine orders...
...if he feels he has an advantage.
- What advantage?
- You named it. A bow shot.
We did it with a Momo.
We can do it again.
You call that an advantage when
four subs before us never had a chance?
They were detected.
Not even Pearl knows where we are.
What about the Japanese navy?
No, sir, that's no advantage.
Not in my book.
But you're not the captain.