But you're pretty.
I heard you never get out
'cause you're ugly.
I don't know you. Leave. Michele
is due back any minute now.
I hope so. I have something very
important to tell him.
But first I'll tell him I'm going
to turn him in for kidnapping...
I understand keeping a girl
under lock and key in Sicily.
There's nowhere to go there!
Nothing but rocks
and cacti down there...
Cactus is probably what grows
in "your" backyard!
I wish. Only mushrooms there!
I live in a basement.
It serves you right,
talking that way about Sicily!
Just joking. My name is Mario.
Mario Angeletti. And yours?
You don't say! All Sicilian women
are called Carmela. But tell me...
do you really like being always
locked up in the house?
Sometimes I get out.
I go to the graveyard.
That's fun for sure.
I visit my mother.
I'm a real ass, sorry!
It's all right. And your mother,
is she still with you?
Is she alive?
Oh, yes, yes, for sure she is.
Michele! Hurry!
Carmela, get decent.
Your fiancé is here.
I am presentable.
Come in.
May I? Good morning.
See if there is any coffee.