Because you thought he was Vargas.
He was drivin' Vargas' car.
- Oh.
- Right?
You're right. So I thought
I was following Vargas. So what?
- Sit down.
- It's a free country.
- Shut up.
- [Door Opens, Closes]
[Pop Blues]
[Phone Ringing]
[Mike] Is this the Mirador Motel?
I'm trying to...
Yes, it's the Mirador Motel,
and it's me.
Oh, darling,
the news is bad.
Quinlan is about to arrest
that boy Sanchez and...
Mike, is that why you called?
To tell me somebody's been arrested?
No, that's not really
why I called. It...
It's to tell you
how sorry I am about all this...
and how very, very much
I love you.
- Susie?
- I'm still here, my own darling Miguel.
Oh. I thought maybe
you'd fallen asleep.
I was just listening to you breathe.
It's a lovely sound,
but I am sleepy.
Of course you are.
Well, then, I'll be calling you
back later. Good-bye for now.
- Hello?
- [Man] Yes?
Oh, I just wanted to tell you
I'm awfully tired.
[Sighs] Excuse me,
this is Mrs. Vargas talking.
- I know. It couldn't be anybody else.
- Oh?
You're the only guest we got here
just now... in the whole place.
Oh, well,
as I started to tell you,
there's no sign
to put up outside the door,
and I just wanted to make sure
I wouldn't be disturbed.
Oh, that is, if you're
the one who's in charge.
Don't you worry, Mrs. Vargas.
I am the one who's in charge.
Nobody's going to get through
to you... unless I say so.