Touch of Evil

- What are you waitin' for?
- Nothin', Hank. L...

- Well, we got work to do.
- Okay, Hank. Okay.

- Well, what do you want?
- Nothing, Captain.
Nothing that you don't want too.

Go on. Spit it out, Grandi.
Captain, we cannot stand
out here in the street.

Why don't we go somewhere
nice and private, hmm,

where we can sit down
and have a drink?

I don't drink.
[Tolling Continues]
[Car Engine Rumbling]
[People Chattering]
[Announcer, Spanish]
- Look, Schwartz. Al.
- Al.

We must show where Quinlan himself
got the dynamite.

If you're really with me on this,
we have still to get some proof.

- We've got your word.
- Let's do better than that.

In your country, also, when explosives
are purchased, some record is kept, no?

Sure, and we're going to
the right place to look it up.

- Hey, how about Quinlan's ranch?
- Where is that?

Just outside town.
While you are looking up the dynamite
records, I might go out there.

- Al, there is one thing
that worries me still.
- What's that?

I could be wrong about this,
and that would be very bad for you.

Let's see if you're wrong
first, amigo.

